Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 2 de julho de 2022



“Explain the truths that are exposed here, with the utmost delicacy, talking calmly to attract the attention and understanding of others. Good is not something to be discussed, but a form of guidance that everyone should know, because everyone seeks him in the world. And the living being who strives for the dissemination of this work, will reach a point never expected, which he never dreamed of, due to his obedience and persistence.

This is an aggrandizement advertisement for all. It is the most certain way for the living being to know its true nature.  It is not religion, sect or doctrine;  and therefore, it does not attack, offend or humiliate. It is a knowledge of the true natural of all, which they did not know. Don't interpret it as religion, because often, out of innocence, they start to say nonsense, when they refuse to leave their religion to follow another. It is necessary to make others see that this is not religion, it is knowledge independent of any doctrine or sect. It is not spiritism, but knowledge that interests everyone." (Page 176/177, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).



Framing is a natural tendency of people when they get to know something new and unprecedented, that is, they seek in their points of reference and traditional knowledge an identification or justification to explain, define everything that is new and unknown. This insecurity and need to label everything within patterns that are already known and mastered, make people not realize that nature is one of transformations, where nothing is repeated. The patterns of yesterday and now, created by imagination and thought, do not have sufficient basis or structure to serve as a reference point for manifestations of today's and tomorrow's life, respectively. So, in the rush to classify what they don't know, some have insisted on saying that RATIONAL CULTURE is a sect, other times they say it's religion, doctrine and so on. And none of this is RATIONAL CULTURE.  And, based on the Dictionary by Aurélio Buarque de Holanda (Brazilian philologist), we explain why. (THE CONTENT BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING QUOTES IS A TRANSCRIPTION FROM THAT DICTIONARY).


“It's a set of principles that serve as the basis for a religious system."

                   RATIONAL CULTURE is not a set of principles that serve as the basis of something.  It is the natural Culture of nature, the true basis of universal life.

 "Christian Catechesis".

                   It is not the function of Rational Culture to give instruction in Christian philosophy.  Its function is to unite through the complete knowledge it gives about nature, its mechanism, its cause, its origin and its basis.

“Teaching, preaching".

                   Rational Culture is not a teaching, but a knowledge without mysteries of life.  She preaches nothing, because she respects everyone's free will.

“Text of Written Works".

                   Rational Culture is unprecedented for humanity, it is not extracted from human beings;  it is extra-cosmic.

“Rule, prejudice, norm".

                   Rational Culture is not a rule, prejudice or norm because it is absolutely dynamic, natural and does not impose, determine or establish any rule of behavior or life.  And, whoever starts to study the Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, harmonizes with himself, with any environment, becomes connected to nature and acquires for himself, through self-knowledge, perfect balance. Therefore, in any concept of Doctrine the Rational Culture fits, therefore not being a Doctrine.


 "Beliefs in the existence of a supernatural form or forms, considered to be the creator(s) of the Universe and which, as such, must be worshiped and obeyed".

                   RATIONAL CULTURE is not belief; Belief is something admitted by faith independent of evidence and proof. Belief is passive acceptance, without intelligible knowledge of the logical basis, of the thing believed.  RATIONAL CULTURE is knowledge that gives full and true, natural and demystified awareness of all existence. He who believes is convinced, he who knows is conscious. RATIONAL CULTURE does not give conviction, it gives conscience.  Consciousness is the same as knowing. The convict totally accepts without proof. The conscious fully knows because he had evidence. Still, the Rational Culture shows that the conscious being pays only obedience to himself, to his own conscience, positive conscience, the Reasoning. Consciousness reasons because it knows and can make a fair assessment of things;  the real, impartial, unbiased, natural assessment. The convict (or believer) thinks and imagines because he does not know and values ​​things as he or others think and imagine;  that things have a concept that does not correspond to the reality and purpose of the thing - a preconception or a prejudice.

“Manifestation of such a belief through its own doctrine and ritual, which generally involve ethical prejudices".

                   This position is a consequence of the previous one, already explained.  It does not fit the RATIONAL CULTURE, which is neither belief nor Doctrine.

“The virtue of the man who lends God the worship he deserves".

                   It does not fit into RATIONAL CULTURE, because RATIONAL CULTURE has no cults or rituals for anyone to practice.  Virtue in RATIONAL CULTURE is the absence of rituals, mystifications. Virtue in RATIONAL CULTURE is to live naturally, that is, in harmony with the Natural Laws of Nature.

“Reverence to sacred things".

                   RATIONAL CULTURE proves that everything has the same origin.  And that everything must be seen as it really is, within its cosmic and natural function.  Everything has a reason for being (there is no effect without a cause), so everything and everyone deserves respect, without minimizing or maximizing the value of anything.

 "Any affiliation to a specific system of thought or belief, which involves a philosophical, ethical, metaphysical, etc. position."

                   RATIONAL CULTURE is not a system of any thought or belief;  this already nullifies your framing here.  RATIONAL CULTURE is the Culture of the development of Reasoning, which even brings to the knowledge of humanity that the phase of thought and imagination ended in 1935;  proves and proves what forces are thought and imagination and why the phase of these forces is over.  And yet, there is no affiliation.  RATIONAL CULTURE is universal and prior to the world in which we live.  It is the natural Culture of nature and, like it or not, everyone is part of it because everyone is a natural child of nature.

 "Way of thinking or acting; principles".

                   RATIONAL CULTURE is not a way of thinking;  it is natural knowledge that leads to Reasoning.  It is not a way of acting because it does not interfere with the nature of each one - everyone is different because everyone has different roles to play in the universal context.  It is proved that RATIONAL CULTURE is not religion.  (By Nágea Luiza Batista).  Collaboration: Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Está aí em vossas mãos, a felicidade eterna, como podem conquistá-la e adquiri-la sem esforço, sem sacrifício. A I...