Postagens em Destaque

terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2022



There are living beings who read UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT and do not know what it means, because if they knew what the word disenchantment means, they would say that in this Work are the world’s solutions.

You became disenchanted, saved yourself, because in the disenchantment are the solutions of the world. Because you are very behind, you read UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT and do not know what it means. Such a common and simple word!

A writing done by the enchanted ones from there in the world is one thing and a writing done in a different meaning is something else. The enchanted ones do not understand and start to make confusions, many times saying or thinking that it is a strange way. It is strange indeed, because it is the writing from the disenchantment, done completely different from what you know from the enchanted world of there. If it were a writing done like the type and way of the enchanted ones, you would interpret it very well and understand it even better. But for being from the disenchantment and written to disenchant, it is why you do not understand it at first.

Watch it! The disenchantment is a thing that you did not know; you are knowing it now. The enchantment, you know it very well, because you are enchanted ones. Notice that there must be a very big difference in the way of writing and in the redaction of the subjects. Disenchantment cannot write one subject only, from start to finish; it has to be of pieces of subjects woven with other and with the progression, comes the finality of all.

For being disenchantment, it has to describe a subject, stop that subject, start another, stop this one and start a new one, from this, to skip to another and with the continuation of the Writing, complete the sequence of subjects until their end.

That is what disenchantment is. Now, what it is from the enchantment of there it is totally different.

The way of speaking and the way of writing of the enchantment is one, and the way of disenchantment is another. Due to not knowing this, it is why you find, in this Work, an odd way. But if you knew it, you would understand the writing of the disenchantment, which you only will understand as you read and know the reason of this.



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...