Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2022



“Apparently all are good, some better than others, some with better qualities than others, finer and purer than others, but truly all are equal. In one view, they are different, but in others they are the same.

In customs, in vices, in procedures and thoughts, they are different.  But as far as human beasts are concerned, all are equal;  just some with more geniuses than others.  In customs and habits, each one has his own;  in human feeling all are equal. In vices, in ways, everyone has their own.  The knowledge of some is different from others, but in the nature of animals, all are of the same species.

Each beast gives to one thing, some with an inclination for this, others with an inclination for that.  It is not on this point that everyone is equal, but on the point of being itself.  Being is one thing and its ramifications are another.” (Page, 213, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Because we are two in one, appearances and their harmful consequences for social life arise. Yes, because no one sees what is going on or what is going on in each other's thoughts and, thus, they can deceive, they can pretend, they can betray, they can deceive, they can be false, they can be two-faced!  Inside one thing, outside another. The inner personality being one thing is the outer personality appearing quite another!  On the outside an angel of candor and on the inside the devil in the form of a person!

We are all tired of coming across people like this in our daily lives, in different social segments, the most frequent being the work environment. And all this compounded by the appearances of the clothes!  How many men dressed as if they were great authorities and people of renown, and inside a great corrupt or thief!  How many women dressed as great ladies of society and, inside, true beasts!

Anyway, this is very common in today's society!  People with the appearance of normal human beings and, in fact, mad and sick capable of attacking and killing their fellow human beings; wild beasts that gnash their teeth at each other if they step on their toes or get in the way of their disastrous plans.

And once, life was already completely different and no one could fool each other!  But RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is here now and, through it, the recovery of the human being through Rational development and evolution, so that we can balance ourselves and live in a simple and humble way, not needing to deceive and lie to anyone! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "É a tal mania de ninguém se conformar em ser pequeno, todos querem ser grandes. Ninguém se conforma em ser pobre, ...