Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2022



“Beasts have two feelings: electric and magnetic. Electric feeling produces joy and magnetic feeling produces anger, deep anger over this or that.  But all two kill, depending on the load. It kills the electric, just as it kills the magnetic. How many die of joy and how many die of sadness!  These are two forces that, when too strong, are fatal. To see how the being of wild beasts is so poisonous and how shocking the description of humanity is! So shocking and humiliating that, in a very detailed and clarified description, it will appear later in other parts, the continuation of this description.

It is enough to come out of nothing for them to be everything and truly to be nothing. But this description will put in place everything that is nothing." (Pág. 212/213, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: So it is like this: the human being is an electrical and magnetic device that receives in its brain all the radiations of this electric and magnetic field, which is the world we live in! Therefore, our brain is a machine with seven hands and each pointer marks its action, which is reflected in thought and feeling. Therefore, the eyes are the pointers of vision; the ears, the pointers of hearing; the nose, with its two nostrils, the pointer of smell and the mouth is the pointer of taste, of taste. All these pointers mark the good and the bad. So if the person saw this or that, he thought it was good or bad; heard this or that, found it good or bad; smelled this or that, found it good or bad; ate this or that, found it good or bad.

This energy capture is done by the two parts of the brain: the electrical part, which is activated by electrical energy, and the magnetic part, activated by magnetic energy.  Hence why we are electrical and magnetic devices, made and formed by this nature;  which is an electric and magnetic set. Therefore, the human being has always remained a free thinker, as guided by thought and imagination, he was not always right. That's why we all lived in search of the right until today and we never found it and the mistakes always multiplied!

Well, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION brings to the knowledge of humanity the evolution of the third part of the human brain: the Rational part or cell!  Science has always been aware of this part;  but he did not know its use;  its usefulness.  And only now, through Rational Knowledge, are we getting to know the third part of the human brain, the Rational part and how we can develop it naturally, without having to adhere to any sect, doctrine or religion and without having to leave our homes! And the goal of the development of this third part of the human brain is the balance and recovery of humanity, so that everyone can return to their true natural state of being pure, clean and perfect Rational and eternal life! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "É a tal mania de ninguém se conformar em ser pequeno, todos querem ser grandes. Ninguém se conforma em ser pobre, ...