Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2022



RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is done by the great Rational focus, as the sun illuminates you now, but in a different way and nature, for having this focus, another and much stronger vibration.  The great Rational focus will encompass the entire world and dominate everything and everyone.

Then, the living being asks: - "And can it be seen?"  Yea!  In time, everyone will see. Just be immunized to see. RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION will therefore be the redeemer that will illuminate everything and everyone.  Everything in the world approaches its day;  for everything there will come its day, its time and with time, the changes.” (page 217/218, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: So it's like that, because we live in this world completely unknown to its formation and the formation of all its belongings, is that we have a limited view around its existence.  And because of that, we think that this world will be eternalized like this, that it will never go beyond that and that life will always be the same.

But we cannot forget that everything is transformed (as advocated by Lavouisier), everything here is under the aegis of the Law of Transformation (including life and the world in which we live). Well, based on this premise, we cannot think that in a hundred (100) years the world will be the same, since a hundred (100) years ago the world was completely different from what it is today! And so, everything evolves, everything progresses, everything transforms!

Nowadays, science is faced with the beginning of the shift of the Earth's magnetic poles and is amazed.  Think that if there is a reduction of magnetic energy on the Planet, the world and life will be in difficult conditions to live in!  They say that, because they do not know the effects and consequences of magnetic energy and because they think that there is no other energy capable of replacing it! They also think this way, as they are unaware of the natural movements of nature and its natural laws.

We are, indeed, in a natural process of energy replacement on our Planet and the reduction of the magnetic energy in circulation, contrary to what they think, will only bring benefits! This is because magnetic energy is a deregulated, low vibration energy, a degenerate, deformed, polluted and weakened energy. And this replacement is being made gradually, naturally, being sure that there will be no shocks, shocks or impacts, since it is a gigantic change, yes, but natural and what is natural no one feels - considering our body growth!

So, the following question remains: and by what energy will the magnetic energy be replaced?  The answer is simple and direct: by Rational Energy, hitherto unknown to everyone, even to science! And where does that energy come from? From the first world, the RATIONAL WORLD!  The world that gave rise to this second world in which we live; the world where everything and everyone comes from and that is why we were classified as Rational Animals, or rather, animals of Rational origin. This Rational Energy is a pure, clean and perfect energy, of the highest vibration and providing perfect balance, due to its characteristics of purity, cleanliness and perfection! And where can this Energy be obtained? In the books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, by Rational Culture, the Culture that clarifies how the world will no longer be ruled and ruled by electric and magnetic energy and will be ruled and ruled by Rational Energy! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Os que vivem sob o abrigo Racional, sempre reflorescendo, como diz o próprio nome: Racional. E assim sendo, a este...