Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 1 de outubro de 2022



“The evidence is there in the world for everyone who wants to see it. There is nothing worth begging for, because the more you beg, the more destruction you see, the more discontent you observe. The time has come to embrace RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION to achieve salvation. time to think about how things in the world are and how everyone has been begging for a new direction, because, as they have been coming for a long time, there is no one who can stand it anymore. Some say that the world is approaching its end, so they beg for a new direction to this world. There it is in your hands, to end up in everyone's hands. And so, see how everything comes so naturally."  (Page 218/219, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: It is necessary and necessary to clarify that when talking about a new direction for the world, there is no need to compare it with political, economic or social direction. The direction mentioned here is related to natural dictates, to natural means, which we abandoned over time when we created an artificial way of life, where appearances came to have more value than the truth.  And even more, this new direction is a Rational direction, turned towards reason;  the reason for being of life, of the world, of everything and everyone.

And this new direction, this new direction passes, exactly, by the phase change that occurred in nature! Yes, my friends, there was a change of phase in nature, a change of direction in the paths traced for the evolution of the human being on Earth! Like this?  Before, the phase was that of the Rational animal - the phase of civilization, a phase that is driven by the development, evolution and progress of two energies: Electric Energy and Magnetic Energy, which govern and govern human thought and imagination. This phase reached its peak with intellectual, philosophical, scientific, technological and industrial development. But as everything here in the matter has a beginning and an end, this phase has come to an end! And because it has reached its end, the world is experiencing this wave of imbalance, of generalized destruction, of wars and confusion, of "save whoever can and if you can", much like the end of the world (but not it is about the end of the world and yes, the end of a phase, of a course and the entrance of another phase, another course).

And the question that doesn't want to be silent is: what phase is this, what direction is this? The Rational Phase, the Rational Course! This phase has already been announced centuries ago by sages, prophets, philosophers, astrologers, including the Centuries of Nostradamus (being known as the Phase of Rationalism, the Phase of the Third Millennium). This phase is the phase of Universal Rationalization, in which the human being will know the world of his race, connect with it and know how to return to it!  In this phase, a new energy is in evolution, development and progress on Earth: the Rational Energy, whose purpose is the recovery of the human being, as well as the development of three new faculties: the development of Reasoning;  the development of Rational Clairvoyance and the development of the Rational Apparatus, which will culminate in the elevation of the human being to a higher class of life.

And it is exactly in this new phase that the new direction of the world resides, since before the world was governed by its inhabitants, governed, governed and guided by Electric and Magnetic Energy, through thought and imagination and that will be governed by Energy Rational, through Reasoning, with the regency, government and guidance of RATIONAL SUPERIOR, which is a Reasoning Superior to all Reasoning, a Supreme Reasoning!  All this we now know, in the shining pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT!  (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Os que vivem sob o abrigo Racional, sempre reflorescendo, como diz o próprio nome: Racional. E assim sendo, a este...