Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 23 de outubro de 2022



This is the reason for this overwhelming content of sufferers. Everything is covered by illusions, and the living being, from one moment to the next, is nothing, because he betrays, with his procedure, his feelings of suffering. He is suffering and looks so different;  seems to be fine, but this good only in appearance.  So, they live to conjecture: - "In fantasy there is no reality and life is just fantasy from all points of view."

In fantasy, they live in the fantasy of being happy and everything is completely the opposite.  Inside, through what they hide, they cover up the biggest rottenness in the cloak of appearances. Here is the world, focused through the prism of what they are, detailing why they are like that, showing that it is a straw fire that lights up and goes out. Nobody has any doubts about this, and therefore, nobody has confidence in themselves, because life doesn't give or have any guarantees.  It's a machine that, from one moment to the next, stops, and in seconds, everything is over.” (Page 248/249), 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: As we have said before, we are living in a world that is not our true Home World. So, we need to know how to live in a world, outside of our natural state, until we can go back to the world where we are from!

RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION provides human beings with integral and complete knowledge about their true origin and how they left there and ended up here.  This entire odyssey from our departure from our World of Origin, until we reach the condition in which we find ourselves, is described in great detail and innumerable proofs and proofs.

In addition to this knowledge, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION also provides human beings with a balanced, firm way of living, suited to their natural being Rational that they are. This balance is achieved naturally, through daily contact with the energy of our true natural, which is Rational Energy! It is this Energy that is transmitted to us when we read and reread the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT.

This Rational Energy comes from our true World of Origin, which is not the one we live in. This world is the world of electrical and magnetic energies, which are two degenerate, deformed, polluted and weakened energies. And we are linked to these two energies because we deform ourselves into Rational animals. And in this condition in which we find ourselves today, we are suffering and mortal beings, because we are connected to these two energies that are not our true natural.  Therefore, we live a "short" life, because we are connected to a base to which we do not belong, which is the animal base. That is why the human being often thinks and acts worse than an animal and lives completely unregulated and unbalanced. And you will only find true balance when you disconnect from these two energies and connect to the energy of your true natural Rational, which is Rational Energy.

Linked to Rational Energy, the human being becomes perfectly balanced, since he is no longer under the domination and regency of the animal base, which is electrical and magnetic energy (the two energies that promote deregulation and imbalance in the human being).

And how can the human being connect to Rational Energy and achieve full balance here in the life of matter? It is very simple and very natural: dedicating oneself to the attentive, reflective and daily study of the messages contained in the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! And inside their homes or wherever they are, as long as they are able to read carefully, without interference from external agents that could interfere with their attention and concentration on reading. This alone is enough, since it is the Book destined for all humanity!  (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


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