Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2022



“The world is a chaos of miseries, the human being is never satisfied with the life he leads; he becomes an insatiable being, for being fierce, poisoned and his poison, making him never satisfied.

Where is the balance of the world? Nowhere! And that's why everything is so fleeting. What exists in the world is the great fantasy where the desire of some is to want to be better than others;  richer, more beautiful, more knowledgeable; and because of that, they study trying to improve themselves and they are getting worse and worse. It's what you see in the world, that everyone is only going to get worse.

So, what's the point of improving yourself?  for nothing.  For everything that is done in the name of improvement, increasingly everything makes it worse. The more they study, the more wars, the more destruction, the greater suffering and the shorter the duration of all.  Anyway, everything that exists in the world and that human beasts have as a great cult, for the betterment of all, is just fantasy, where they say they are what they are not, looking for improvement and everything going the other way around." (Page 208) /209, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Regarding the situation of disequilibrium, bankruptcy and moral, physical and financial liquidation, which are an integral part of our current and global reality, it is worth remembering that there are two phases in the world: one for the RECOVERY and RESTORATION of humanity and the other for the LIQUIDATION of the deeds from the phase that ended, which was the phase of thought, the phase of civilization, which ended because here in the life of matter everything is like that, it has a beginning and an end! The phase of thought had its beginning and had to come to an end, as our life has a beginning and an end!

The recovery phase is the Rational Phase, the phase of peace, love, fraternity and universal concord through the development of Reasoning, obtained through daily reading of the Universe in Disenchantment Books. In this phase, the Inhabitants of the Rational World are in action on Earth, which are those luminous bodies that appear in space, in different forms, in different ways and in different colors (including flying saucers). THEY are pure, clean and perfect beings, from a world much superior to ours, which is the RATIONAL WORLD, from where everything and everyone originates!

So, the Inhabitants of the Rational World are on a mission on Earth to help all humanity, protecting it, supporting it, guarding it, guiding and guiding it, so that everyone can recover, entering the Rational Phase. To do so, just read and reread the brilliant pages of the Universe in Disenchantment Books, which have no relationship with sects, doctrines or religions!  (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


  Ninguém se entende. Ninguém está entendendo nem a si mesmo. Por isso, aí está a falência moral, física e financeira, e a liquidação moral,...