Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2022



“They fight for everything, for health, for happiness, for knowledge, for business, for the arts, for commitments, to improve and life becoming, within that struggle, without any benefit, waiting for improvements and the benefit that has is from a time for another, life is over.

Therein lies the nullity of everything; the proof of how dreadful and deceiving this enchantment is, full of illusionist palliatives, where everyone follows the fantasized ones who, over time, set out to solve the illusions, but who, being adventurous, do not last long in these illusions." (Pág. 197/198, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: And why do we have to fight and fight for everything in life?  Because we are living outside our true natural state, outside our true Origin World. The feeling of being out of our world is, in simple comparison, the same as being outside our home and away from our friends, relatives and loved ones! We feel like a true "stranger in the nest", or even worse, like a fish out of water that struggles, fights and wars to survive, but in the end, ends up succumbing!

The Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT presents to humanity the whole trajectory of the human being until he arrived here in this second world and in the conditions in which humanity finds itself! It describes, in detail, how we left our true World of Origin, why we left and how we left and the transformations we went through in the course of time, to be now in this Earthy Galaxy!

It also describes how this second world was formed, what it was formed from and what it was before it became what it is!  It describes, in a basic and logical way, the origin of matter, how it was formed, who generated and formed it, what it was formed from and, before being matter what it was, as well as its transformations and degenerations!

In the wake of all these revelations, the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT presents us with the way in which the human being can evolve and progress, naturally reaching a higher level of class and category of life, compatible and adequate to the Natural Laws of Nature, whose vibration fits perfectly to the new phase in force, the Rational Phase, phase of the Third Millennium.  In this Millennium, the maximum and Supreme capacity of the human being is developed, the third machine of the brain, paralyzed and waiting for the phase change in nature, now in full action!  And with the development of this Supreme part and after it is fully developed, the human being acquires the necessary conditions to return to his true World of Origin. This third machine of the brain is activated by an energy different from the energetic binomial of electromagnetism, current and predominant in the field of life in which we live!

And where does this new energy come from?  From the First World, the RATIONAL WORLD, world of our true origin, world of our Original Race, since the human being is of Rational origin, being therefore qualified as Rational Animal. And the RATIONAL WORLD is the WORLD that brought us the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, of Rational Culture, the Culture of our true natural state!

So, my friends, try to get to know the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT and enter the new phase that you have come to govern, thus taking a big step in the knowledge of the greatest absolute reality of all times and in the knowledge of the pure and crystalline Truth about the origin of the world , of life, of man, of matter and of everything that exists in this world, in its various forms, both visible and invisible!  (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Entretanto, surge agora aí no mundo, a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL. Nasceu no Brasil a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL, para as novas ...