Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 19 de março de 2023



“All this because they don't truly know themselves, because they are beasts that can't be tamed or tamed, but rather, they get used to it, is that reigning are the confusions among everyone in the whole world.

In the world, there has never been balance because everyone is human beasts and lives fantasized about with all these apparent titles and precepts. They live a fake life, and that is why they feel one thing and pretend to be another, they are one thing and try to pretend to be another, because everything in this life is false. Life itself is false and therefore not firm. Life, because it is false, is that from one hour to the next it ends;  because it is false, it has no guarantee;  and thus everything that belongs to life is false." (Page 209/210, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: When we started the study of the Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, we came across a chapter entitled "WARNING" and in this chapter we found the following question: "what is the value of the living being having life, living and not knowing how to live?" And the answer is that nothing is worth it, because the more the living being tries to organize himself in life, the more he disorganizes himself and in disorganizing himself, the more his suffering increases. It's like the fight of the tide against the tide, inside a rough sea.

And why this happens? Why do human beings live unknown to themselves and to the organizations that govern life!  Yes, friends, life has diverse organizations to govern it, diverse natural laws and diverse natural movements, totally unknown to humanity!

Phase changes, which are natural movements of nature, directly affect the organization of our life on Earth and are one of the examples of our lack of knowledge of the organizations that govern life. Did you know, my friends, that there was a phase shift in nature?  But no one felt it, no one noticed!  Do you know why? Because we live completely against nature and those who live against nature are unaware of its natural movements.

And do you know what this phase change in nature was, my friends?  The end of one phase and the beginning of another. It has ended the stage of thought and imagination and has entered nature, the stage of development of Reasoning, the substitute for thought and imagination! Did you know that, my friends? And because the phase of thought and imagination ended, nature stopped feeding these two human faculties energetically, which, due to lack of food, began to weaken!  And this weakening, has been providing the imbalance of the human being! But no one felt the change in this phase, however, all over the world are feeling the effects of the weakening of these two human faculties, such as the increase in violence, the increase in terror, barbarities, monstrosities, attacks, etc.  Anyway, the world today is going through an era of disadvantage of nature, the so-called "age of fire"!

Therefore, my friends, try to know the phase change that occurred in nature, so that you can start to live with the tide and within the phase that is now present here!  To do so, just read and reread the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT!  (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


  TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Enfim, perturbados de uma tal forma, que o sofrimento vem provar que todo o ser humano é um espírito que se mant...