Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 11 de março de 2023



“The living being, once immunized, is in possession of regulation. The immunization regulates both the electrical and magnetic parts; and the living being, without immunization, is at the mercy of these two currents, becoming completely unbalanced, as everyone in the world is, where recognize that the imbalance is great and that all its components are more than unbalanced, reigning for that reason, suffering."  (Page 190, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: So, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is a fluid from the Rational part of the human being, which is an electric and magnetic device, but of Rational origin.  And for being from that origin, it is that you have the natural faculty of receiving the fluid of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION within your "I" and with much more naturalness than the electric and magnetic fluid.

And how does this fluid get inside the person? In a simple and natural way, that is, through the daily reading of the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT!  The daily reading also means the daily contact with the fluid of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

And to receive this fluid, the human being does not need to go anywhere;  he doesn't need to practice any rituals;  he doesn't need to make any commitments (except with you); he does not need to attend any philosophical, scientific or religious segment, nor be part of any type of institution!  All you have to do is dedicate yourself to the daily handling of the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT Books, at home or wherever you are, reading them attentively, with maximum attention and in a reflective way to understand, understand and interpret their content!

This is it, friends, natural Knowledge, not science in anyone's head, since the Knowledge of Rational Culture is not knowledge extracted from human knowledge, but the truth of truths, dictated by RATIONAL SUPERIOR! (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Quando se trata de uma base como esta, Racional, tudo sempre de bem para melhor, multiplicando-se sempre, culminan...