Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 15 de março de 2023



Sky, earth and water. The three kingdoms of the animals, which live in this vast and big deluge of fire that arose there, that is there and no one ever knew how to define nor divulge why you are the way you are and the world be the way it is. These three kingdoms coadunate to this cremation, making everyone to live in this plateau, without knowing why muses live, as this lonely world, in the kingdom of fire.

The blood in the veins represents the fire inside the body. The living beings are offspring of fire and that is why this world is of suffering, since you are born up to life's extinction. Everything catches fire, everything burns and everything finishes.

The three kingdoms, sky, earth, and water, depend on the other three, the sun, the moon, and the stars, to form the multiplication of the beings, and from these beings, there is another kingdom to account for. Then, all together, they form the seven parts of the reason you are so. But the people looking to the conjunct of these seven kingdoms could not know how everything was generated, born, grown, and flourished.

Everyone lives in these adventurer's activities, as uncoordinated of themselves, forgetting what you are, judging to be what you are not, convinced by forgetfulness that all of this is a fountain of lost people and a singular hell. And that is why no one found out or could ever find out why there is such by forge this is a fountain of lost people and a singular hell. And that is why no one found out or could ever find out why there is such in the world, why there is such a formation. And now, I, RATIONAL SUPERIOR, giving to know to everyone the beginning and end of this world, of everyone and everything. from where you came out of and why you came out of, from where you came and why you came and to where you are going.

The world is approaching closer to its last phases of decadence over all of these theses, which instead of bringing improvements, only bring everything from bad to worse. The illusion deceives everyone, the appearances too, and everyone in these games of pain, calamities and unquietness of all sizes, of all ways, living there in this hell, subject to everything and only meeting suffering and more and more suffering. I, RATIONAL SUPERIOR, with this Writing, taking to all the liberation from the bitter submission, by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

Now, the living being asks: "-What is this? What is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION? How is it? How is it not?"

Read it from the beginning to the end and you will know everything, bit by bit. And so, to the sons of fire, which are all beings, it is always necessary to remind them where all of this came from.



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Os que vivem sob o abrigo Racional, sempre reflorescendo, como diz o próprio nome: Racional. E assim sendo, a este...