Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2023



"So, there are those who consider that the world is beyond repair, saying that only by catching fire and a new generation will the world return to normal. Man has reached such a point of madness that he only deals with manufacturing materials to destroy it faster.

The madness is so much that they don't notice their madness and so, they say that the world is lost, and that they need wars and destruction to put this world right. And because of these theories, which have been fighting for a long time to make things right, the world is getting worse and worse, as if men were dominated by madness. The madness is so great that the monstrosity is what the law is, and the law is what is crooked." (Page 260/261, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: We learn, in the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT Books, that the world has already gone through countless phases. We have already gone through the monster phase, the savage primitive phase, the savage phase, the Rational animal phase, the Rational animal phase, the civilization phase and now, we enter the Rational Phase (the last phase of the life of matter).

Well, all these previous phases served as a basis for the preparation and maturation of humanity, so that when the Rational Phase arrived, everyone would be mature enough to understand it and comprehend it, that is, in a position to understand and comprehend it. who they are, why they are that way, where they came from, how they came, why they came, where they are going and how they are going.

In the primitive stages there was no instruction, everyone was illiterate, since writing had not yet been discovered, and it is certain that there was still no one to teach the primitive beings. And it lasted thousands and thousands of years without anyone having the slightest education; Primitive beings didn't even know how to speak! This is one of the reasons why human beings could not know, even slightly, how they appeared on the face of the Earth, as well as their true origin and the origin of the world in which they live! This is because, when they woke up to the beginning of the first understandings, the world was already made and man had already existed on Earth for a long time.

So, because man is completely unaware of his true origin, each people created and invented their stories, their tales, their legends about the emergence of man and the world, all of them without basis and without logic, without proof or proof, because no one saw how human beings were made and how this world was made. This is the reason for mysteries, enigmas, phenomena and for everything to end in infinity, mysteriously and without solution.

Today, the world has entered a new phase! This is because the phase of thought and imagination has ended and the Rational Phase has entered nature - the phase of development of Reasoning! In this phase, all humanity is being enlightened about its true origin and the origin of everything that exists in this world and outside it. The clarifications of how this world was made, its formation, generation and creation, as well as the clarifications of how the human being was made and how life emerged here in this world.

Obviously, all these clarifications could not be given based on philosophical and scientific teachings created by man. If this could be so, man would have known everything about himself and the world in which he lives long ago, having been here for millions of millennia! Furthermore, when everyone here was born, the world was already made!

So, for this Knowledge to reach us, it was necessary that an Inhabitant of the Superior World from where we originate came here, serving as a Spokesperson for this Superior World, for Him, to transmit all the teachings directly from the origin to us here on Earth!

Therefore, today the prophecies are fulfilled and today RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION appears in the world - the greatest absolute reality of all time! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to everyone!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...