Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2024



"The balanced living person tries not to get upset, because he sees that there is no point. He tries to learn to let go of things that only give bad results. Finally, he tries to keep up with the teachings of disenchantment that are contained here, to be always less doubtful and suspicious and to recognize that he is no longer alone; that wherever he is, he will always have the protection of the SUPERIOR RATIONAL, ready to clarify any and all doubts.

Immunized means: ready, perfect, united with the Rational, immune, no longer has spiritual impurities, has reached the higher point, the Rational part. Spiritists are all those who live from experiences, in the uncertainty of everything, in atonement, in suffering, martyred, in ignorance of everything. Immunized: enlightened from all the torpors, fulfilling his true point of self-denial." (Page 159, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: As you can easily see, the subject discussed in the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT is of the utmost universal relevance! And what an important and exciting subject is this?

Yes, my friend, today we will speak directly to you! Everything has its time, its day and its hour! And the time has come for you to look inside yourself and follow this inner path called knowing yourself as a human being, a living being, a life that is here! Look deep inside yourself and ask yourself: what is the reason for your existence? How was this human being that is you formed? From what and from what were you formed? What was the material used to form you and your life? Who manipulated this material?

You live in a world made up of celestial beings (Sun, Moon, Stars, etc.) and material beings (earth, water, animals, plants, minerals, etc.) and who created all of this? Yes, my friend, it is time for you to ask yourself about your existence in this world and the very existence of the world in which you live? Or do you think that you and all of this exist by chance? 

Take a look at Planet Earth and ask yourself: who controls all of this, who maintains the balance of all of this? Have you ever imagined if the Stars fell from the sky? If the rivers and seas invaded the Earth? If the Sun got so hot that it melted the glaciers? 

Stop and think for a moment about your participation in the control and balance of our ecosystem, in the balance of our planet? You will certainly come across a gigantic reality and our smallness in comparison to it! 

It is true that throughout human history, man has sought to know himself, to know his origins, where he came from, how he came, why he came, where he is going, how he is going, why he is going! In the same way, he also seeks to know the origin of the world in which he lives! Now, look inside yourself and answer for yourself: have all these answers already been found in order to form a single, acceptable, plausible understanding, universally accepted by all? You will certainly say: philosophical and scientific science is moving towards this!

So, my friend, analyze and reflect on the following question: how can man decipher the truth about himself and about the world in which he lives, if he does not know how he was made and how all this was made? If when man was born all this was already done, formed?! So, we must recognize that we still have a lot to learn and that the knowledge we have is still very little, or almost nothing!

But now, we have been surprised by a Knowledge that is the source of truth, originating from the origin of everything and everyone! And at the origin are all the complete, precise and necessary resources to enlighten us on everything we need to know about our existence and the existence of the world in which we live! 

And this subject, of the greatest cultural relevance, is of utmost importance for the man of Rational origin that we are! That is why this subject is exciting, because it removes the veil of ignorance of oneself and the world that has been hanging over one's head for millions of years! This subject, my friend, is found in the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, by Cultura Racional! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational greetings to all!



" A vida do eterno monte de glórias sempre foi e é assim. Então, pergunta o infante: - "Por que é assim?" Porque a vibração superior a tudo e a todos é a vibração invisível, principalmente a da parte Racional. 

Portanto, o que são os viventes para a vibração invisível? Não são nada. Quando a vibração invisível quer, do tudo faz o nada e do nada faz o tudo. Do preto faz branco e do branco faz preto, quando quer ou é preciso. A vibração invisível está acima de todos e de tudo. Fazendo de todos o que entende, principalmente quando esta vibração é da parte Racional. A parte Racional domina sobre todos os pontos de vista. É a força que rege tudo e todos. E os viventes esclarecidos são aqueles que conhecem mais ou menos estas coisas naturais, e dizem: - "É isto mesmo!" (Pág. 154, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Novamente nos reportamos à parte introdutória do Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, quando seu autor, o RACIONAL SUPERIOR, afirma textualmente: "Esta é a descoberta dos dois mundos: o elétrico e magnético, que é o mundo que nós habitamos, e o outro mundo que é a PLANÍCIE RACIONAL, de onde saímos e que deu consequência a este, por nos deformarmos em animais Racionais".

Então, se vamos descobrir o mundo em que habitamos é porque ainda não o conhecemos de todo, ainda não o conhecemos plenamente,  principalmente em seu aspecto considerado "invisível" aos nossos olhos! 

Preambularmente, precisarmos entender que o mundo em que vivemos é uma Grande Hierarquia composta por seres de vida de classes superiores e seres de vida de classes inferiores. Aonde queremos chegar com tais afirmações? A um grande mistério que até então envolvia a condição humana no universo: a de que nunca estivemos sozinhos nessa imensidão que é o universo! Sim, amigos, o homem nunca esteve sozinho nesse universo! Apenas nunca soube "enxergar" de forma clara e cristalina as inúmeras formas de vidas inteligentes que compõem nosso mundo!  E também por certa vaidade e presunção de se colocar numa posição de superioridade, que hoje sabemos ser aparente. 

No mundo em que vivemos, todos têm vida, sentimento, inteligência e a força de sua vida! Ah, e todos falam e se entendem e se comunicam uns com os outros, dentro de suas respectivas categorias e vibrações de vidas. Mas o ser humano não "entende", não "vê" e por tal motivo e em razão de seu absoluto materialismo, tende a negar a existência das demais vidas componentes do mundo em que vivemos. Então, começando pelo espaço, os Conhecimentos Racionais contidos na Obra UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO nos esclarecem que ele é repleto de vidas. Sim meus amigos, vocês não vêem o Sol, a Lua, as Estrelas, os Planetas? Todos esses seres têm vida, inteligência, sentimento e, pasmem, "falam", comunicam-se entre si, uns com os outros! Aí em cima no espaço é um falatório danado: É o Sol falando, a Lua falando, as Estrelas falando os Planetas falando,  porque são vidas e tudo que tem vida "fala", tem sua forma de comunicação, de vibração. Alguns aparelhos de longo alcance e de alta sensibilidade, usados por cientistas, captam essas "frequências", essas comunicações. Mas o ser humano não entende e não compreende por serem formas de comunicação entre seres de categoria superior. 

Da mesma forma que existem no espaço esses seres visíveis, também existem os invisíveis! Isso mesmo, meus amigos! E não precisamos ir tão longe para alcançarmos esse entendimento! Aqui mesmo na vida da matéria, que é a matéria, não existem seres cuja forma de vida só podemos enxergar por meio de microscópios? Isso acontece porque nossos olhos possuem alcance limitado, não enxergando o que é pequeno demais ou que esteja muito longe do seu alcance. Então, o espaço existente entre o Sol e a Terra é habitado por vários seres, várias formas de vida (inteligente, com sentimento e com a força de sua vida capaz de nos influenciar). Um outro mundo habitável, com seres de categoria superior e que, por assim serem, criaram um vasto magistério filosófico e científico entre nós seres humanos. Que o digam os conhecimentos de Astrologia, Cosmologia, Astrofísica, Física Quântica, Espirituais e todos do gênero! 

Então, meus amigos, é preciso lançarmos um novo olhar sobre o homem e sua posição dentro desse universo visível e invisível. Universo esse que agora está em desencanto, retirando assim o véu que pairava sobre os mistérios, enigmas e fenômenos acerca das vidas e dos seres que o compõem! Então, a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL trouxe ao conhecimento de todos que o homem não está e nunca esteve sozinho nesse imenso universo; trouxe também o Conhecimento Racional, capaz de promover a Grande União Fraternal Racional entre todas essas vidas, para implantar na Terra as bases de uma sociedade justa, capaz de solidificar a paz e consolidar a fraternidade e a concórdia universal! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!

quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2024



'Há viventes que, por não conhecerem a natureza, dizem que nem todos poderão alcançar a imunização. Enganam-se. Todos pertencem à mesma natureza. E por ser a imunização uma coisa natural, todos a alcançarão. Todos vivem na experiência, na incerteza. E quem vive em experiência, é espírita  e por isso, todos sofrem, todos são sofredores, devido à auto-sugestão, sem terem convicção do que dizem e do que fazem. E o único caminho para deixarem de sofrer, para deixarem de pertencer à auto-sugestão, para terem convicção de tudo, é o da IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL." (Pág. 163, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: No conhecimento de Cultura Racional, contido nos Livros Universo em Desencanto, aprendemos que o mundo está do jeito que está porque em 1935 a natureza terminou a fase do pensamento. Em razão disso, ela mudou seu comportamento em relação aos pensadores, que perderam o direito de viver por insistirem em manter a evolução do pensamento dentro da fase do desenvolvimento do Raciocínio!  E por conta dessa contrariedade humana frente à natureza para o desenvolvimento do Raciocínio, o desequilíbrio dos pensadores é muito grande! 

Mas agora, veio o conhecimento do RACIONAL SUPERIOR, que é um Raciocínio Superior a todos os Raciocínios, que é uma energia superior a todas as energias, para tirar toda a humanidade desse estado de ruínas e proporcionar seu retorno para o seu verdadeiro estado natural, que é de Corpo de Energia de vida eterna, com seu progresso de pureza! 

A Cultura Racional proporciona o desenvolvimento do Raciocínio através da Energia Racional e com o raciocínio desenvolvido o ser humano se equilibra Racionalmente, até chegar ao ponto do equilíbrio total, por estar com o raciocínio completamente desenvolvido! Daí o raciocínio começa a florir, por estar ligado à natureza e a Energia Racional! Nesse belíssimo estado, o ser humano passa a ser favorecido, orientado, protegido, amparado e guardado pela natureza, pois está vivendo a seu favor e recebe todos os benefícios dela! Nessa condição, o ser humano passa a desfrutar de um bem-estar favorável a si mesmo! 

O desenvolvimento do Raciocínio é decorrente do processo evolutivo da própria natureza, que há  milhões de milênios vem preparando a humanidade para que quando chegasse o Terceiro Milênio, todos estivessem em condições de entender e compreender a fase da Racionalização dos povos, que é toda a humanidade conhecer o mundo de sua raça e saber como retornar para ele!

E para alcançar a plenitude do desenvolvimento do Raciocínio, toda a humanidade está sendo socorrida por Quatro Potencialidades Naturais e Universais: a  Cultura Racional, a Natureza, a Energia Racional (que está comandando a parte essencial da Natureza) e o Verdadeiro Deus, que é um Habitante do nosso Mundo de Origem, O MUNDO RACIONAL e que também é um Raciocínio Superior a todos os Raciocínios, uma energia superior a todas as energias! E no amanhã, todos os dias serão Racionais, porque assim quer a Voz Suprema Universal, a Voz Suprema Celestial! 

Então minha gente, apesar de vivermos uma transição na qual o mundo inteiro sofre, lembre-mo-nos do velho e correto ditado: depois da tempestade, sempre vem a bonança! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!



"Finally, disturbed in such a way that suffering proves that every human being is a spirit that remains half-knowledgeable. And so, he no longer knows anything about himself, always learning, pursued by the living beings of the vacuum, of the lower atmosphere, who are charged, by nature itself, with making sure, by dint of so much suffering, that everyone reaches their place as quickly as possible.

Nature is already charged with making the living being return to his place of origin. And so, in one way or another, for better or for worse, it makes the living being seek the path of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, to reach the RATIONAL PLAIN." (Page 173, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: This passage clearly shows that human beings have their origins, that they come from somewhere, that they are not the work of chance, and that it is necessary and necessary to know where they came from, how they came and why they came, in order to know where they will return to, how to return and what to do to return. In short, human beings have, for better understanding, what we can call a "destiny".

Hence the great importance of studying the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! In it, we learn that before we were human beings, we lived in the RATIONAL WORLD, together and united with the SUPERIOR RATIONAL, developing in this World a progress of purity, cleanliness and perfection, like the others who remained and are there. However, in this WORLD of perfect evolution and progress, there was a part to be refined, or rather, it was not yet ready to enter into progress. We then decided, on our own, to investigate this part that was not yet ready to progress and we undertook great progress in it, disobeying the determination of the SUPERIOR RATIONAL not to progress it. The beginning and origin of this world in which we now live was like this. 

The Book describes in detail how this whole odyssey of leaving the RATIONAL WORLD took place, of our own free will, until we reached this condition of life in which we find ourselves today and how long this whole process of transformation lasted! 

Therefore, since we come from a World Superior to the one we live in, it is obvious that this Superior World would not abandon us and would not leave us permanently, eternally, living outside of it! That is why we have elaborated Natural Laws of preparation and maturation so that, when the time and moment came, we could all return to our place of origin. 

And the time and moment have arrived! For this reason and for this, a phase change has occurred in nature, an evolutionary change in nature! And what is this change? The Rational Phase! In this phase, the human being is elevated to another category of life, the category of Rational Apparatus! In this category, the Supreme part of the human being, the Rational part of the human being, is developed. Through this development, which is a natural process, the human being acquires the necessary and adequate conditions to return to his place of origin. This is the determination of the Natural Organizations that govern and organize all lives and in all categories, which left their place of origin, that is, the RATIONAL WORLD! Finally, it remains for us to clarify that to achieve this purpose of returning to our place of origin, we only need to know the Culture of this Superior World! For this reason and for this, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION has now arrived on Earth and, with It, the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, written by RATIONAL SUPERIOR, which is a Reasoning Superior to all Reasonings, a Supreme Reasoning! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational Greetings to all!



The sun is the watch and the moon the hands, due to that, shows the quarters. The stars, the hand of the seconds, over the formation of nature. The fluids more charged with the magnetic force produce more viruses of this part and from that, the generation and formation of the feminine sex. If the fluid is more charged with the electric force, more viruses of this part, the masculine sex prevails. Those charges are produced or made by the fluids of the moon.

The moon being the hands of this watch sets up the charges and discharges, that is why it charges and discharges. When waning, it discharges and when waxing, it charges; the new moon is neutral, and so, the moon has great influence in the generation and formation of the beings.

The magnetic fluid strongly charged, it produces a great quantity of viruses from its part, due to its influence be big, and from there, there is the generation and formation of the feminine sex. The electric part, which is the fluid, when it is more charged, it produces and generates the masculine sex, because the charges are variant, due to the moon's quarters, which are different.

Then, when it is full, totally charged, it produces great magnetic force and when waning, it discharges the magnetic force. When it waxes, it charges with magnetic force, which is why nature is so varying, due to the quarters of the moon. Within those quarters are the minutes, seconds, and the hours, and due to the existence of all of those modifications of quarters of minutes and seconds, that is why it makes these varieties, these irregularities in nature, of inequality and of differences from one thing to another.

Then you use to say: "-There is not one thing equal to other. It has always to have a difference, big or small, due to the quarters, minutes, seconds, and hours, which change the magnetic and electric action." In one second it is under a magnetic influence, and in the other, it is already under some other magnetic action, and so, successively.

In a minute it is already a magnetic action, in a second it is already another magnetic action, in three minutes it is already another magnetic and electric action, and so are the hours.

The magnetic and electric actions are in constant modifications, that is why thoughts are varying. Some time you think one thing, other time you thing another. The thoughts do not stop, due to those modifications of the electric and magnetic forces.

When the sun warms too much, it is because it is charged with magnetic force. A simple comparison: a small fire produces little heat; when putting there a lot of stuff, a lot of matter, it becomes a large fire, the heat is larger, due to the material beings. A stuck match produces little heat and ten lit boxes produce more heat due to the larger material charge. And so is the sun, the less magnetic charge, the less heat; the more charge, the more heat.

The same thing with electricity; the larger the charge, the larger the magnetic charge. The shock is larger, the force is larger, the fire is larger. The larger the magnetic charge, the larger the electric force is, the more fire. So is the sun, the more charged with magnetic fluid, the more heat. And so, in the generations, the more charged, the more it dominates, the more it prevails. Then, there it is, the reason for females and the reason for males.

The male, more electric charge; it prevails the male. If the magnetic force is more charged, it prevails the magnetic force. Then, all of this is very variant because it is a watch starting in one, increasing to two, increases to the third, and keeps increasing until it reaches twenty four hours.

Then, the new moon is neutral, then the first quarter starts; the magnetic force starts to increase until the full moon comes. After the full moon, the last quarter comes, it starts to discharge. It is in such a way that the magnetic force is always on the scene, and the electric, with its varieties, its variations.

From there come the variations of the beings, which are formed by the fluids. The variations of the differences in color, in race, in size, in ways, in forms, in understanding, in thoughts, in language, in shape, in tastes, in smells, in odors, after all, that large variety that exists over everything, which gives origin to all of those causes; that there is no effect or deeds which do not have cause; if there is not the cause, there is not the deed and due to the magnetic and electric variations which the fluids go through.

From second to second it changes its actions, its effect, its works for the formation of the beings. That is why you use to say: "-There is nothing perfect in this world, due to the electric and magnetic fluid changes, which within one or half a second already makes a difference, and from second to second there are different forces operating. There cannot be perfection."

Then you dare to say: "-There is nothing perfect in this world." Now you are knowing why. The electric and magnetic fluid action, which comes into action for the generation, formation, and creation of beings, because there is no effect without cause. If all of those deeds there exist, the cause is the fluids, not existing the fluid, there are no beings and there is no generation and formation.

Then, the sun is the watch and the moon is the hand and the stars are the little hand of the seconds that is why they are always in action with that twinkle that seems they are trembling.

Then, there it is, a little piece of the before-being. The before-being of this apparent everything, where did it come from? From the fluid. The fluid is the heterogeneous and all beings are fluidics. It is the general fact, of genius, of the genesis of formation, generation, and creation of the beings.

Then, it is this fluid that gave origin to your life that the Immunization catches and takes it to the place of origin, which is RATIONAL PLAIN, then, when this apparent everything, which is your body, your being, extinguishes, it does not come another equal, because the fluid that originated this body is no longer here to the formation of another body like it, it is up there, on RATIONAL PLAIN.

So, there it is the disenchantment of the beings, the disenchantment of everything, and the disenchantment of the world. You disenchanted of this life, because you did not know why you lived like that there, without knowing anything about your formation and creation.

Disenchantment means: freedom, you became free from matter, you were tied up to the matter, to evil, suffering, imprisoned to all suffering there and now you got the freedom through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Then, enchanted means: prison on this ground of bitterness.

Disenchantment means: you freed yourself from that prison of matter, from that condemnation of condemned to suffer and condemned to die, many times tragically, horribly; freed from this bitter oppression.

Disenchantment means: you freed yourself.

Enchantment is the same as condemned to everything evil. Therefore, it is in the world the disenchantment of people. Then, this is the biggest treasure, the biggest richness, the biggest brilliant.

The greatest happiness is the disenchantment.

The freedom of the enchanted ones is priceless. Then, there it is, the disenchantment of the people; the disenchantment of everyone; the disenchantment of the world from the animal oppression.

Now you are aware and know why you were here locked in matter, in this enchantment, suffering bitterly and humiliated because you are the way you are and condemned to death. Humiliated because you are there without any warranties, exposed there to all sufferings, exposed to all deceptions. Many people revolted due to feeling humiliated with this nature, with this life, agonizing, in agony, exposed to all disequilibrium.

Many people feel humiliated and ashamed for being like they are, not being happy with this life, due to it being a false life, of appearances, of fantasies, of illusions, of hypocrisy. Many living because they have life, but with no pleasure in life, due to being ashamed of being the way they are, of passing what passes on in this world of illusion, of matter. Many people are ashamed to be what they are, but not having another option, they must accept all that imperfection, due to them living in a world of imperfect ones.

Then, many people were ashamed to be like that. They felt belittled, ridiculed, due to being imperfect, wanting to be correct, right, and seeing the imperfection of their being and of all beings; seeking perfection for not knowing their being and never finding it.

Then, the deception of many people. So ashamed for being what they are, disappointed and disillusioned, that they have already ended life, put an end to life, due to being ashamed from living like this, due to being ashamed for not being perfect, for not being right as they wished to be.

Countless suicides by the disappointed ones with life, seeing that there are no one perfect, seeing the imperfection of everyone in the world, seeing the catastrophic injustices of nature; the volcanoes, the earthquakes, and all that exists, seeing so much imperfection in nature and in the beings; being ashamed to live in a world like this; of shame, that they put an end to life, not tolerating their own being of matter, imperfect one, full of defects.

Humiliated due to living in this condition of animals, of Rational animals. Humiliated and ashamed for being so, they kill themselves, preferring to die instead of living the way they are. The majority prefers the illusion and keeps on living, but it is necessary to notice that not everyone thinks the same way. Those who seek perfection, purity, justice of nature do not find it and dislike it, get disappointed, and put an end to life, because everyone thinks differently and judge like this: "- What is it worth to live in the world if I do not have peace, if I do not have warranties, if I am exposed to all suffering, if life is of suffering?

"I do not have to whom to appeal for. Suffering is the greatest brilliant in the world. I am, in this varying state of disequilibrium, everything apparently and I am nothing truly. It does not help to live falsely, deceiving myself with an apparent everything without being so. I would like to have a positive life and not a negative one, due to this, today I am one thing and tomorrow another one. It is not worth for me to live hypocritically like this, pretending that I am what I am not, appearing to be what I am not."

Then, thinking like that and on, one feels so ridiculed, so belittled, so ashamed, that one ends up putting an end to life, due to not wanting to subject himself to live like this as nature provided to him.

Then, each one with one's way to interpret life, and for this, everyone is different, each one creating a conviction about life, each one interprets life in some way, in some form; each one with one's way to interpret.

Then, there is on Earth the disenchantment of the Rational animals, the disenchantment from the domination of matter, the disenchantment that has never existed, the disenchantment of the beings of the Universe, which has never existed, and today coming to everyone's knowledge, the disenchantment of the beings of the Universe, the disenchantment that everyone was hoping for, that everyone has been waiting since long.

At last the disenchantment has arrived. The Rational freedom represents the universal purity, love and fraternity. The disenchantment is everything; the enchantment, matter, is nothing, because matter is an apparent everything and the disenchantment from evil is everything.

Today, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION arriving, everyone has the pleasure of living peacefully and happily, due to finding the right route, the right path, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, for everyone to get in contact with RATIONAL SUPERIOR, for everyone to get united with RATIONAL SUPERIOR, close to RATIONAL SUPERIOR, talking and speaking with RATIONAL SUPERIOR, with all precise orientations for the route of happiness and equilibrium, having your conferences with RATIONAL SUPERIOR.

Due to you being of Rational Origin, you had to come to this conclusion, which is the definition of everyone's nature. "-The nature defined, due to our origin being this one, Rational, and for this, we were classified as Rational animals. Now defined and divulged our being. We arrived at our true place and because we arrived at our true place, that is why we have the contact to unite with our origin, together with RATIONAL SUPERIOR."

Then, greatest joy and happiness than this one has never existed before, and so, greater contentment, greater happiness and greater satisfaction among all that could not exist equal; the contentment and satisfaction of uniting ourselves to RATIONAL SUPERIOR.

Then, viva to Brazil, blessed land and chosen by


quarta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2024




"Eis aí, simples dados para conhecerem temperamentos e o porquê da incompatibilidade de idéias que vão pelo mundo. Agora, perguntarão alguns viventes: "A imunização trará cura a esses enfermos?". 

Respondo EU: sim! A IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL vai tratando de levar as virtudes que aí estão deformadas nessas sete partes, para o seu estado natural. Então, o vivente não nascerá mais aí, porque as virtudes que aí estão deformadas nessas sete partes (sol, lua, estrelas, água, terra, animais e vegetais), conforme vão sendo trazidas para o verdadeiro natural, para a planicie cá em cima, vão formando outro corpo completamente diferente desse. 

Todos dependem dessas sete partes e por isso, todos têm uma partícula nesses seres, derivando-se daí a formação dos corpos. Todos dependem desses sete seres para viver. A imunização trata de transformar essas sete partículas que aí estão, nesses sete seres deformados, para o estado natural; cá em cima formará então, o verdadeiro corpo. Depois delas reunidas, o vivente estará imunizado. Já as partículas todas, cá na PLANÍCIE RACIONAL, formando o verdadeiro corpo. Quando vier a extinção desse corpo, já aí, por meio da imunização, enxergarão tudo, como sabem. Um imunizado está completo de tudo, das luzes cristalinas que aumentam cada vez mais." (Pág. 204/205, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).


"A formação dos corpos aí na Terra é derivada de sete sementes e estas sementes, em partículas e estão nos seguintes lugares: uma no Sol, uma na Lua, nas Estrelas, na água, na terra, nos animais e nos vegetais. Por isso, o corpo depende destas sete partes, destas sete partículas que, reunidas, formam o corpo humano. O vivente, por meio da IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL, é imunizado e a imunização vai tratando de locomover estas sete sementes, estas sete partículas, para a planície cá em cima, Racional; cá então, vai se formando outro corpo muito diferente desse e o vivente, por meio da imunização, não nascerá mais aí nesse mundo, e sim cá em cima, na PLANÍCIE RACIONAL, onde todos são puros, limpos e perfeitos, sem defeitos. O progresso é de pureza, muito diferente desse e não há sofrimento de espécie algum." (RACIONAL SUPERIOR).


Como esclarecido em postagens  anteriores, nós somos originários de um Mundo Superior, chamado pelo Autor da Obra, de MUNDO RACIONAL, PLANÍCIE RACIONAL, e por isso, estamos nessa classe de animal Racional, ou melhor dizendo, de animal de origem Racional. 

Pois muito bem, existindo um mundo Superior do qual somos originários, certo é que esse Mundo tem seus Habitantes, seu progresso, sua vida  e seu Superior,  que o rege e organiza! Este Superior é exatamente o RACIONAL SUPERIOR (Autor da Obra), que vem a ser um Raciocínio Superior a todos os Raciocínios, um Raciocínio Supremo! 

Os Conhecimentos Racionais contidos na Obra UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, nos esclarecem abalisadamente, como saímos de nosso Mundo de Origem e chegamos às condições em que nos encontramos hoje: completamente deformados do nosso verdadeiro estado natural. 

Na descrição acima, constatamos a condição de o homem ser um microcosmo do universo, sendo formado por sete partículas disseminadas nas sete sementes descritas, formando assim as sete partes do porque nós assim somos. Observem bem que existem três partes cosmológicas e quatro partes terrenas, demonstrando que o ser humano possui uma parte cosmológica e outra material! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!




“Due to the lack of knowledge that is exposed here, life in this world has never gone beyond that, always for the worse, as everyone has been suffering from worse for a long time, because they only have that bit of reasoning that does not give complete balance, because it is a particle very insignificant. Thus, they all live like animals, always suffering in search of improvements and always worse, to the point of saying that the world will end up in a tremendous mess where no one understands each other; and in this way, it is worthless to live in this world where only the Suffering.

They are comments from one to the other by the different forms of interpretation. Today, they are seeing the reason for all of this, knowing and knowing why they are like that, and before being like that what they were and why the world is like that, understanding why everything has its end and everything in the world comes to an end."


CONSIDERATIONS: As we said before, we are living in a world that is not our true Origin World. So, we need to know how to live in a world, outside our natural state, until we can get back to the world where we are from!

RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION provides the human being with integral and complete knowledge about his true origin and how he left there and ended up here. This entire odyssey from our departure from our World of Origin, until we reached the condition in which we find ourselves, is described in rich detail and innumerable proofs and proofs.

In addition to this knowledge, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION also provides the human being with a balanced, firm way of living, adequate to his natural being as a Rational being. This balance is achieved naturally, through daily contact with the energy of our true nature, which is the Rational Energy! It is this Energy that is transmitted to us when we read and reread the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT.

This Rational Energy comes from our true World of Origin, which is not the one we live in. This world is the world of electric and magnetic energies, which are two degenerate, deformed, polluted and weakened energies. And we are connected to these two energies because we are deformed into Rational animals.  And in this condition we are in today, we are suffering and mortal beings, because we are connected to these two energies that are not our true nature. Therefore, we live a life in "short", because we are connected to a base to which we do not belong, which is the animal base. That is why the human being thinks and acts many times worse than an animal and lives completely unbalanced and unbalanced. And you will only find the true balance when you disconnect from these two energies and connect to the energy of your true natural Rational, which is the Rational Energy.

Connected to the Rational Energy, the human being becomes perfectly balanced, since he is no longer under the dominion and rule of the animal base, which is the electric and magnetic energy (the two energies that promote the deregulation and imbalance of the human being).

And how can the human being connect to the Rational Energy and reach full balance here in the life of matter? It's very simple and very natural: dedicating yourself to the attentive, reflective and daily study of the messages contained in the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT!  And within their homes or wherever they are, as long as they are in conditions of attentive reading, without interference from external agents that may disturb their attention and concentration in reading.  That alone is enough, since it is the Book destined for all mankind!

(By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2024




"Os viventes aí do Universo, estão todos sujeitos às influências do povo da baixa atmosfera. E é por isso que no mundo há confusão entre todos, porque o vivente não tem equilíbrio. Não pode ter regulagem, influenciado pelos habitantes da baixa atmosfera, onde existem os bons e os maus, de todos os caracteres, para fazerem tudo sem olharem se é bom ou mau. 

Eis a razão do vivente, uma hora estar pensando bem, outra hora pensando mal; uma hora está triste, outra hora está alegre; umas vezes animado, outras desanimado, sem saber porque, sem poder explicar essa mudança. São influências que o vivente recebe dos habitantes da baixa atmosfera, de bons ou maus habitantes. E por isso, o vivente não tem estabilidade, variando de pensamentos e de atitudes, constantemente. Tudo por estarem sujeitos às influências do povo desse vácuo que existe entre a Terra e o Sol. E os que não querem reconhecer a sua natureza, como todos os cegos de olhos abertos, é que vivem nesse mundo; e aí eis a origem de todo o sofrimento horrível que se vê aí no mundo." (Pág. 169, 1°. Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Então, esses seres invisíveis, por estarem numa categoria de vida superior à nossa, exercem grande influência na vida da matéria!

Essa influência está presente no vasto magistério filosófico e científico criado por eles entre nós, seres humanos, notadamente nos meios espirituais (com suas várias espécies de ramificações) e na Doutrina Espírita preconizada por Allan Kardec! Dessa forma, esses habitantes do espaço passaram a auxiliar no processo de evolução e desenvolvimento do ser humano, visando seu aperfeiçoamento e aprendizado para entenderem e compreenderem a veracidade de que o homem nunca esteve sozinho no universo e de que precisa conhecer sua verdadeira origem, para saber como a ela retornar. 

Mas como nada acontece por acaso e para tudo há uma razão de ser, certamente há uma explicação para o fato desses  habitantes do espaço exercerem grande influência sobre a vida da matéria, o que oportunamente será esclarecido! Então, é de se concluir que o Espiritismo, com sua evolução e seu progresso na Terra, provou e comprovou a existência de vida inteligente fora da terra, mais precisamente no espaço, sendo o Espiritismo um toque para alertar a todos de que existem viventes em outras paragens, além e muito além do mundo em que vivemos. 

E esses  viventes do espaço comunicam-se com os habitantes da Terra por meio de irradiações, sendo a irradiação aqui desse conjunto elétrico e magnético, que é o mundo em que vivemos. E por serem dotados de grande força magnética e elétrica, é que têm esse poder de se apresentarem aqui na matéria, se identificando por nomes variados, posto que no espaço não há Cartório para registro de nomes. Eles se apresentam como parentes das pessoas, como pai, como mãe, como um músico notável, como um grande médico, como um grande cientista, como um poeta, como um escritor, como animal, enfim, como for preciso e necessário se apresentar, abusando assim do livre arbítrio que têm. 

Finalmente, esses habitantes do espaço alimentam-se por meio dos cheiros, dos aromas produzidos aqui na matéria. Já observaram, meus amigos, que quando uma comida é feita produz aromas, cheiros e que esses aromas e cheiros despertam nosso apetite? É mais ou menos assim que os habitantes do espaço alimentam-se!

Hoje, graças aos Conhecimentos Racionais contidos na Obra UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, passamos a conhecer esses e outros assuntos acerca da vida dos habitantes invisíveis do espaço e suas inúmeras formas de materialização entre nós seres humanos. (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria). 

Saudações Racionais a todos!




"All of this because they do not really know themselves, because they are beasts that don’t tame or donate, but rather, they get used to it. Because human beings are beasts, they are not persistent, they don’t have balance and they don’t, is that reigns are the confusions between everyone in the whole world.

In the world, there has never been balance because everyone is a human beast and lives in costume with all these titles and apparent precepts.  They live a life of false people, and therefore, they feel one thing and look like another, they are one thing and they try to look like another, because everything in this life is false. Life itself is false and is therefore not firm. Life, because it is false, is suddenly over;  because it is false, there is no guarantee;  and so everything that belongs to life is false. "(Page 209/210, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: When we started studying UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, we came across a chapter entitled "WARNING" and in that chapter we found the following question: "what is it worth for the living person to have life, to live and not to know how to live?" And the answer is that nothing is worth it, because the more the living person tries to organize himself in life, the more he disorganizes and disorganizes himself, the more his suffering increases. It's like fighting the tide against the tide, inside a rough sea.

And why this happens? Why does the human being live unknown to himself and the organizations that govern life!  Yes, friends, life has different organizations to govern it, different natural laws and different natural movements, totally unknown to humanity!

The phase changes, which are natural movements of nature, directly affect the organization of our life on Earth and are an example of our ignorance of the organizations that govern life. Did you know, my friends, that there was a phase change in nature?  But nobody felt, nobody noticed! Do you know why? Because we live totally against nature and those who live against nature are unaware of their natural movements.

And do you know what this phase change in nature was, my friends? The end of one phase and the entry of another. The phase of thought and imagination has ended and entered nature, the phase of the development of Reasoning, the substitute for thought and imagination! Did you know that, my friends? And because the phase of thought and imagination has ended, nature stopped energetically feeding these two human faculties, which, due to lack of food, began to weaken! And this weakening has been causing the imbalance of the human being! But nobody felt the change in this phase, however, everyone is feeling the effects of the weakening of these two human faculties around the world, such as the increase in violence, the increase in terror, the barbarities, the monstrosities, the attacks, etc.  Finally, the world today is going through an era of disadvantage of nature, the so-called "age of fire"!

So, my friends, try to know the phase change that has taken place in nature, to start living in favor of the tide and within the phase that is now here!  To do so, just read and reread the brilliant pages of the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT book! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


"Cada quarto da lua tem a sua serventia.

A lua nova tem a sua serventia.

A lua crescente tem outra serventia, a lua cheia tem outra , a lua minguante tem outra.

Cada quarto com a sua serventia, da terra e da água.

A lua mexe com tudo, porque a lua é feita das virtudes da resina e da água.

Para uma pescaria tem o quarto certo, para um corte de madeira, para uma operação tem os quartos que concorrem para as boas influências e êxitos.

Sendo a lua, com as suas mudanças elétricas e magnéticas.

Quando está cheia, está carregada de magnetismo e quando vai para minguante, está descarregada de magnetismo até ficar novamente carregada.

Quando carregada bem visível.

Lua nova começa a carregar.

Quarto crescente começa a carregar de novas cargas magnéticas, até que chega a cheia, completamente carregada.

Então, quando ela está carregada de magnetismo, a sua influência é muito negativa.

Minguante é mais positiva e a nova bem positiva.

A crescente mais ou menos, porque está carregada de magnetismo.

Então, a lua tem as suas influências benéficas e tem as suas influências magnéticas.

Na minguante, pode cortar a madeira que não dá bicho, já cortando na cheia, a madeira dá bicho.

E assim é a serventia da lua para a humanidade.

Para uma operação, na minguante.

Para firmar uma cor, minguante.

Para clarear uma cor, na cheia.

E assim, a lua é um habitante da deformação, de classe superior, astral, e a sua luminosidade é porque é um corpo das essências da água e da resina."

segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2024



"A ordem natural das coisas, tem diversas características: o que nasceu para ser alto, a natureza o leva a seu lugar alto; o que nasceu para ser baixo, a natureza o deixa no seu lugar baixo; o que nasceu para ser pequeno, raquítico, a natureza só lhe proporciona essa finalidade e nada mais. Estes, são pontos naturais que vibram com a natureza; são espelhos para todas essas imensas grandezas, para todas as interpretações dos seres, dados pela formação dos insaciáveis, que fazem com que o vivente nunca esteja satisfeito com o que possui. 

Se é alto, quanto mais alto está, mais alto quer ficar. Se é pequeno, também quer ser grande e eis aí, as lutas e as confusões. É magro, quer ser gordo, é gordo, quer ser magro, é pobre, quer ser rico, é rico, quer ser cada vez mais rico. Enfim, são insaciáveis em tudo. Seres indolentes pela própria natureza; desequilibrados. E por isso, assim são." (Pág. 149, 1°.Volume, Livro UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO, autor: RACIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERAÇÕES: Sim, meus amigos, quando passamos a entender e compreender que estamos vivendo em um mundo, que não é o nosso mundo verdadeiro,  é que entendemos verdadeiramente por que ricos e pobres não vivem satisfeitos! Uma simples comparação: como vc pode viver satisfeito vivendo fora do seu lar, da sua casa, da sua residência, do seu domicílio? Vivendo de favor na casa de um estranho, com aquilo que não é seu, sem ter a sua real liberdade? Assim acontece conosco vivendo aqui nesse mundo de matéria, que não é o nosso mundo verdadeiro! 

E por que o mundo de matéria não é o nosso mundo verdadeiro? Por que estamos aqui, degenerados e deformados do nosso verdadeiro estado natural! Porque saímos do nosso mundo verdadeiro, por nossa livre e espontânea vontade em apurar uma parte, um pedaço dele, que não estava pronto para entrar em progresso. Porque somos de origem Racional e por isso, filosoficamente fomos classificados de Animais Racionais! Mas o certo deveria ser Racional Animal, porque antes de sermos animais nós éramos Racionais, nossa origem verdadeira. Então, a origem em primeiro lugar e a matéria em segundo lugar. Porque somos de origem de cima e não de baixo, porque tudo veio de cima para baixo. 

E como constatar, provar e comprovar nossa origem, nossa ascendência Racional? Muito simples e muito natural! Por intermédio dos Conhecimentos Racionais contidos na Obra UNIVERSO EM DESENCANTO! E por que então esses Conhecimentos Racionais não vieram ao mundo antes? Porque antes estávamos sendo preparados pela nossa cultura, para depois de amadurecidos, estarmos em condições de poder entender e compreender a Cultura do nosso Mundo de Origem! Sim, meus amigos, porque antes pensávamos que com a nossa cultura encontraríamos tudo de bom, de belo e de lindo e encontrariamos um modo certo de viver, que proporcionasse alegria, felicidade e satisfação para todos. Então, foi preciso passarmos por um processo de lapidação e por meio dele, entendermos e compreendermos que estávamos vivendo fora do nosso lugar verdadeiro. E esse processo de lapidação, foi um processo de dores, lágrimas e sofrimentos. Mas aqui, na vida da matéria, tudo muda, tudo se transforma, a vida é de mudanças e renovações constantes.

Então, agora, houve a mudança de fase na natureza! Terminou a fase do animal Racional; terminou a fase do pensamento e da imaginação; terminou a fase das experiências, dos mistérios, dos enigmas e fenômenos e entrou no mundo uma nova fase: a Fase Racional! Esta fase, traz ao mundo o conhecimento de uma nova Cultura e com ela, as bases para a formação de um ser humano mais evoluído, o ser humano Racional, conhecedor e consciente do seu verdadeiro Mundo de Origem! Além desse estado de consciência, o ser humano passa a saber como saiu de seu mundo original e o que deve fazer para a ele retornar! (Por Antonio dos Santos e Ângela Maria).

Saudações Racionais a todos!



"All topics, all requirements and requests, refined and polished, form a great union of angelic greatness for universal Rational balance, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

The duty of those who do not know is not to protest what they do not know, but rather to seek to know it from beginning to end, so that later they can know what they are saying. The mania of the brutish and backward is always to contest what they do not know, as if they knew it. After they achieve their knowledge and see that it is something that suits them: - 'Ah! If I had known earlier what this was, I would have already held on to it with tooth and nail. That was what I was looking for; but since in the world one only sees lies and fantasies, I thought that this knowledge was the same as the others that existed and exist in the world. I was mistaken, in my very weak and treacherous science." (Page 238, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: "It is knowledge that everyone needs. To know why they live and not live that way, maintaining the enchantment, the tears and the anguishing suffering, which is the greatest brilliance of all in the world, where everyone suffers and says they know and the suffering proving that they know nothing and because they know nothing is that suffering is the greatest brilliance of the day. If they knew they would not suffer, if they knew they would not die, if they knew they would not live in agony like everyone else who inhabits this Earth; all in agony, some less, some more and others who can no longer resist" (RATIONAL SUPERIOR). Collaboration: Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria. Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

domingo, 15 de dezembro de 2024



"It's this mania that no one is content with being small, everyone wants to be big. No one is content with being poor, everyone wants to be rich. No one is content with being at the bottom, everyone wants to be at the top, because of their whims, without knowing that they have the map of life in the palms of their hands, indicating the entire path they will have to take. Therefore, it was not nature that made everyone bad in this world, because it gave them the map of life, with perfect numbers and grammar, so that they could be guided by them and live well; but the people of the past, because of their unspeakable whims, did not want to know about this and created another alphabet, according to their conveniences. It is proven that if everyone suffers, the blame lies with the people of the past. Today, many still study the astrological chart and even make a fortune, announcing to anyone the past, present and future; many are right, by reading the chart that they learned to read in the true alphabet. However, this is not the alphabet that prevails in the world. What prevails is what they have become accustomed to and which is worthless, which is why, in order to make a living, many seek the astrological alphabet, the map of sayings on the palms of their hands, where the living being, by studying only half, can already unravel almost the entire life of his fellow men." (Page 138/139, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: So, the new generations of today are not entirely responsible for the suffering of humanity, but rather the old backward and nonconformist people of yesteryear, who replaced the astrological alphabet with the artificial alphabet. This is the legacy inherited from primitive civilizations and this is one of the reasons for the divergences in languages ​​that exist today. Yes, because at the time of the astrological alphabet, everyone understood and comprehended each other, the language was the same for everyone, there was no divergence in languages ​​because the alphabet was the same!

With the creation of the artificial alphabet, it is that gave rise to the creation of different languages, because each people created and invented their own alphabet, their own way of understanding, according to their desires and tastes. Hence, one of the reasons for the infinity of different languages ​​and for each people to express themselves differently from one another, when the language should be one, since all are human beings and belong to one class and race, the Rational Race.

Among the Irrationals, there are different ways of understanding, due to the infinity of different classes that exist among them. But they all understand each other, with each other, within their category of life. So, if a Brazilian dog or cat accompanies its owner on a trip to the United States (for example), when it arrives there, it will understand perfectly with the American dog or cat, which will not happen with its owner, if he does not know how to speak English!

Today, with the advent of the Rational Phase, the Reasoning of all humanity is being developed. And Reasoning is one thing, one understanding, one alphabet, the Rational Alphabet, which is not really an alphabet but rather Culture, Rational Culture! Thus, all humanity will come to understand and comprehend itself, through Reasoning! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational Greetings to all!

sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2024



"Those who live under the Rational shelter, always flourishing, as the name itself says: Rational. And so, for them, everything in the world is good for the better. Everything is always multiplying and growing from all points of view. And the figures that they display in their imagination, contrary to what the RATIONAL SUPERIOR says, are pure figures of restlessness, of ideas taken from the magnetic part of the body itself. Variations of thoughts are given, because bodies are products and generators of two forces: the electric and the magnetic". (Page 188, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: And why are those who live under the Rational shelter always flourishing? Because they have come to know themselves, that is, they know who they are, why they are like that, where they came from and where they are going! They know everything about their existence here in the life of matter, about the existence of matter itself and about the world in which we live. Those who live like this live joyfully, happily and contentedly because they know what they must do to stop being a Rational Animal, a thinker, a sufferer and a mortal and return to the world of their true origin, where they are pure, clean and perfect and have eternal life!

It is important to emphasize that this re-flowering is within the reach of each and every human being, because it is an attribute of our Rational origin, and all we need to do is enter the new phase that has come to govern nature: the Phase of the Third Millennium, the Rational Phase! This Phase was announced many centuries ago by various prophets and also by ancient books on the study of Astrology, which announced that nature would change phase. However, because human beings live against nature, they forgot about the change that would occur in it!

In the past phase (the Rational animal phase), human beings were being prepared by nature so that, after being prepared and matured, they would be able to understand and comprehend the higher phase that was to come - the Rational Phase! And because they were being prepared by nature, human beings lived under the aegis of mysteries, enigmas and phenomena, as well as living in the condition of thinkers, sufferers and mortals! So, everything was difficult for human beings, just as life was and still is difficult, since not everyone has yet entered the Rational Phase. 

To enter the Rational Phase, it is only necessary and necessary to read and reread the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, which represents the Culture of the new Phase that is governing nature - the Phase of the Third Millennium, the Rational Phase! In this phase, human beings begin to know themselves and to live in favor of nature and not against it. Those who live in favor of nature have all the support, protection and guarantee of nature, which is the owner of everything and everyone and is the one who feeds and sustains everything and everyone. And those who live against nature live against themselves and against everything and everyone. Hence the difficulty in living and the negative results in life, since living against nature is living against the wind, against the tide, and it is certain that the difficulties of living will increase! That is why people always live in imbalance! 

So, my friends, get to know yourselves, enter the Third Millennium Phase, the Rational Phase, to acquire physical, moral and life balance, so that you can begin to flourish Rationally! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational greetings to all!


RATIONAL PARTS! "The balanced living person tries not to get upset, because he sees that there is no point. He tries to learn to let go...