"There are those who do not believe in one doctrine or another, who do not want to know about one religion or another, as if they knew everything and could find a solution for everything. And that is why they talk about spiritism with anyone, about the spiritism that everyone knows. What they do not know is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. No one knows what immunization is, not even by name. When a living being does not know, he must try to know first, and then know what he is saying. Whoever starts talking about a subject he does not know cannot reach good results and proves that he does not respect that subject."
Framing is a natural tendency for people when they learn about something new and unprecedented. In other words, they look to their traditional reference points and knowledge for an identification or justification to explain and define everything that is new and unknown. This insecurity and need to label everything within patterns that are already known and mastered prevents people from realizing that nature is one of transformations, where nothing repeats itself. The patterns of yesterday and today, created by imagination and thought, have no sufficient basis or structure to serve as a point of reference for manifestations of life today and tomorrow, respectively. So, in a rush to classify what they do not know, some have been insisting on saying that RATIONAL CULTURE is a sect, while others say that it is a religion, doctrine, and so on. And RATIONAL CULTURE is none of these things. And, based on the Dictionary of Aurélio Buarque de Holanda (Brazilian Philologist), we explain why. (THE CONTENT BETWEEN THE QUOTES BELOW IS A TRANSCRIPTION FROM THIS DICTIONARY).
"Doctrine or system that diverges from general opinion and is followed by everyone".
RATIONAL CULTURE, as previously proven, is not a Doctrine. It is, in fact, a knowledge of peace, love and fraternity that everyone wants and seeks. It is a knowledge in favor of logic, reason, and harmony among peoples, which, even in law, throughout time, humanity has defended as necessary for the preservation of life. It is not against anything, against any system, and it proves that all are necessary for the refinement of humanity and its preparation to understand that outside of nature nothing works, there is no balance, there is no peace. Therefore, RATIONAL CULTURE is not against anything, nor is it fair to put these already existing systems in place, for the balance of the Rational animal and its consequent harmony with nature.
"A group of individuals who profess the same doctrine".
To profess means to publicly acknowledge. Now, those who dedicate themselves to the study of RATIONAL CULTURE do so because they have naturally identified with the truths it contains. Because RATIONAL CULTURE does not depend on recognition or consideration, because truth is independent of any recognition. It exists and is sufficient in itself. It does not need beings, but beings need it. It is a powerful and natural force that gives cause, origin and basis to all existences. Like the air that feeds everyone, without distinction and regardless of any recognition or consideration. The air does not care what atheists and religious people, poets and businessmen, the rich and the poor, men and women say about it. They have opinions about it, but none of them will change the truth that is air and that it will interfere with the function it has. To be Rational is to not waste time with comments extracted from imagination and thought and to seek to know it as it (air) is, to harmonize with it. And yet, as already proven, RATIONAL CULTURE is not a Doctrine.
"A closed community of radical nature".
RATIONAL CULTURE is a Culture and not a community. A superior Culture, therefore, open and not against anything or anyone, it is in favor of everything and everyone. It proves that everything is necessary and needed, deserving respect and therefore is not radical.
“Theory of a master followed by numerous proselytes.”
RATIONAL CULTURE is not a theory because it is not a hypothesis or supposition, nor does it depend on demonstrations. Those who dedicate themselves to its study cannot be called proselytes, because a proselyte is an individual converted to a doctrine, idea or system; a sectarian, follower, partisan. There is no conversion to RATIONAL CULTURE because it is the knowledge that completes every human being and universalizes, that is, unifies existing knowledge. RATIONAL CULTURE unites, ends differences, sectarianisms that bring conflicts to humanity, it unites all existing parts without underestimating them. So there is no conversion, but rather a real appreciation of life through awareness of existence.
(By Nagea Luíza Batista). Collaboration: Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.
Rational greetings to all!