Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 8 de fevereiro de 2025



"Everyone is a spokesperson. But the living being asks: - "Is it the person who speaks?" Yes, it is the person, but only what the Rational part wants. Comparing, it is the same effect with electric radios. Who are radios' spokespersons for? The broadcasters, and what the broadcasters want is what these spokespersons transmit. And why is this done this way? Because the world is an electric and magnetic set; and speaking at one end of the world is the same thing as speaking from here, because, through these spokespersons, everything is known in every part of the world. The proof that the world is an electric and magnetic set is that these devices were already made with this nature. It is like radios that are made to transmit everything; the living being was also made with the nature to immunize itself and be the spokesperson for the Rational part". (Page 89, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: We learned in Rational Knowledge that the human being is an Astrological Center and that, because he is so, over time, he had to find RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION within himself and in It, the spokesperson for the truth of truths, because the nature of the living beings is suited to the nature that made them, since we are formed by this nature and, therefore, we depend on it to live, being certain that we are formed by seven particles! Very well, and where are these particles? They are distributed as follows: one in the Sun, another in the Moon, another in the Stars, another in the water, another in the earth, another in the animals and another in the plants! These are the seven parts of why we are the way we are!

We have already said that the world is a gigantic network of transmission and we are the receiving devices, the receivers of all these transmissions, since man is an electrical and magnetic device that receives all the transmissions of this electrical and magnetic set, which is the world. And where do we receive these transmissions and what are these transmissions? Very well, all these transmissions are received in our brain, which works like a clock with seven hands, and each hand marks its action, which is reflected in thought and feeling. And what are these transmissions? They are thoughts, imaginations, intuitions, inspirations, aspirations, guidance, the conscious, the unconscious, the subconscious, etc... And why does this happen? Because we were formed this way by this nature! 

In this way, we are true tools, instruments, transmitters, devices of nature! And what is the purpose of all this? To prepare the human being so that he can develop, mature and know himself, aiming to return him to his true World of Origin! Yes, my friends! We are not from this world! We are here, but we are not from here; and because we are not from here, it is because here where we are we do not have the right to live, we are therefore suffering and mortal. 

So, nature made us like devices, so that when the right moment came we could know ourselves, to know how to return to the world from where we came. And now the moment has come! And for this and for this, here is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION! (By Antônio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational Greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "No mundo, nunca sonharam com a Redenção Universal, nunca imaginaram poder existir a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL. Só agora,...